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Wolf and The Bat

Deep in the Enchanted Woods there lived Wolf. Wolf was a brilliant hunter, the toughest animal in all of the lands and he always moved alone. Wolf slept through the days and went hunting at night. His home was deep in the Woods, in a little place called Moonlight. Wolf had spectacular night vision; all the other animals in the Enchanted Woods were envious of his abilities and skills.


Also in the Enchanted Woods lived The Bat, a kind creature that only wanted to help. One night he observed Wolf while he was hunting. The Bat softly landed on a low branch and hung upside down right in front of Wolf. The Bat’s shining black skin shone in the bright moonlight, he looked as though he was wearing protective silver armour.

“Hello there.” Said Wolf in his usual low and strong voice, it had been a lifetime since he had used it.

“Hello Wolf,” replied The Bat, “you are an excellent hunter, I have been watching you and by far you are the finest I have ever seen.”

“Why thank you” Wolf replied in surprise. He had never had another animal speak to him, let alone compliment him, as all the creatures were too afraid.

“Might I suggest a helpful tip, so you can further improve your success?” The Bat proposed.

“Of course”

“Well if you go into the Darkness, there are far more animals for you to hunt, much larger too.”

The Darkness is the most dangerous section on the Enchanted Woods, Wolf had never been to that part of the Woods before, but because he is the strongest creature in the whole Enchanted Woods and he is the best hunter he believed that he could accomplish it.

“That sounds like a great idea” Wolf replied, “thank you friend.”

As Wolf runs off into Darkness, he thinks about how he had never had a friend before and how nice it was.


As Wolf takes his first step into Darkness the first thing he feels is a cold chill slowly make its way though his soft, glistening grey fur. For the first time in Wolf’s life he felt afraid, it was a strange sensation, heaviness in the pit of his stomach. That quickly passed however as he reminded himself he is the best beast and has nothing to fear. Or so he thought.


Little to Wolf’s knowledge he was being watched, by Raven. Raven was the most evil creature that lived in the Enchanted Woods, he had decided to make Darkness his home. Raven made sure no beast ever knew his identity. Therefore Wolf and The Bat had no idea that Raven lived in Darkness, let alone lived at all.


Wolf did what he did best, using his remarkable night vision he chased down a deer, the largest he had ever caught. This is spectacular! He thought to himself as he feasted. I’ve never had a better meal! Raven did not like this at all, he heard stories about Wolf and knew that he was doing just fine at Moonlight, he didn’t need to come into Raven’s home and steal his food. Greedy Beast, Raven thought to himself. Raven decided it was up to him to teach Wolf a lesson. Using his swift skills, Raven ever so quietly glided down to the feasting beast. Even with Wolf’s outstanding sight he could not see Raven coming. With his deadly sharp talons, Raven clawed at Wolf’s eyes, the swift bird was so quiet and quick, Wolf had no chance at fighting back. A mess of black wings, grey fur and red blood filled Darkness. Raven then swiftly few back to his branch, leaving Wolf lying on the ground, blind.


The next morning Wolf picked himself up and stumbled home, only finding his way by smell. When he finally makes it back to Moonlight, it was night-time again. The Bat heard him come in, he asked Wolf where he had been.

“Go away” Wolf replied.

“Why, what happened in Darkness?”

“You might as well have sent me to my death. A beast flew down and took my sight, I could not do anything to protect myself.”

“I am so sorry Wolf, I had no idea that would happen.”

“Your apologies mean nothing to me, now I will most likely starve. I have to rely on my sense of smell and hearing to hunt. I have never had to do that before, it is going to be a catastrophe.”

“Here, let me help. I will find you some prey and chase it for you, calling your name the whole time; you can follow the sound of my voice. If we work together you’re sure to get a meal.”

“No, you have done enough. I work alone, just like before. I don’t need your help”

And with that Wolf walked off in a huff.


He sat in the middle of Moonlight, waiting to hear or smell a creature to make a feast of. After not long he could smell a hare, he quickly ran towards it in a sprint. Wolf got so close the fluff of the hare’s tail lightly touched his nose. With his teeth showing he took one final leap forward and…

* BAM *

Wolf ran right into a thick willow tree. The hare was too quiet and swift, it must have hopped down into the roots of the willow tree. Wolf decided it was useless and decided to lie down under the tree. This is where he spent the next four nights, still with no food, unable to catch anything. On the fifth night, he put aside his pride and went to find The Bat.

“The Bat!” Wolf howled as loud as he could.

“Hello Wolf” The Bat replied ever so quickly. So quick it made Wolf jump.

“How did you get here so quick!”

“I never left” The Bat answered, “I have been watching you, to make sure you’re safe.”

“Thank you” Wolf said with some shame. “Do you think…” He paused, “do you think you could help me?”

Wolf waited in silence and fear, for an answer.

“Of course I can, anything for a friend”

A smile stole Wolf’s face; it was the first time he smiled in a long time.

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